Monday, August 25, 2008

Tom, Judy and Alison

Tom, Judy and Alison
Originally uploaded by mryalsn
J.C's Mom and Dad (aka Grandma and Grandpa) came over for a visit on Sunday. We had a very nice lunch and an enjoyable afternoon of visiting. J.C. and I were so glad they came to see us. Come back any time!!!

Glucose Screening Test

Last Thursday I went for the dreaded glucose test. I was told how terrible the stuff was you had to drink and how miserable it was to sit and wait for it to absorb into your system. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. I only had to drink 8-16 oz. ( two styrofoam paper cups full) and then wait one hour to get my blood drawn. It tasted like orange kool-aid. While I waited they gave me a few papers to fill out and I took a book to read. They also have a T.V. in the waiting room so there was plenty to keep me entertained. When my timer went off, the nurse took my blood and gave me my Rhogam shot. I am Rh negative so I had to have a shot to protect myself and the baby in case the baby's blood in Rh positive (More on that later). So after seeing the doctor I finally got to go home.

That was the longest I had ever been in the office. Usually your appointment takes about 5 minutes and you're done. On my way home I stopped at Arby's because I was starving. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since midnight the night before because I had to fast for my test. This also starts the beginning of the every two week visits. I have to go every 2 weeks until I'm 36 weeks. Then its every week.

Our child birth classes are going well. Last week we toured the hospital so now J.C. knows where to take me. We didn't get see any babies though :-( They were all in their rooms with their mommies.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday on August 20th to Grandma Marley!!!!
We love you and hope to see you soon!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Alison & Grandma

Alison & Grandma
Originally uploaded by mmp52
Over the weekend we celebrated Grandma's 90th Birthday. She had a great turn out at the open house followed by a relaxing evening at the pond. It was a great day. Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

August doctor visit

Baby M and I went and saw Dr. Meyer on Thursday. He is the new doctor in the office and I really like him. I now weigh 139 lbs and my stomach measured 26 1/2 weeks. Everything is right on schedule. Baby M's heart rate was 150, which is good. In about 2 weeks I have to go in for a blood sugar test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. It's a test everyone must go through. I get to drink some delicious orange flavored kool-aid type stuff. I've been told its very sweet. Yum! doesn't it sound like fun.

J.C. and I have also started at child birth classes at the hospital. We are one of the three couples in the Wednesday night class. So far we have learned a breathing and massage technique but I can't get J.C. to practice the massaging part. Oh well. Next week I'll post a belly shot. It's rounding out quite nicely.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Baby M = an average size rutabaga

Each week I get an e-mail from with statistics on the baby. The greatest part of this e-mail is finding the section where they compare the baby to a fruit, vegetable or some other type of food. So far Baby M has been compared to things like kidney beans, grapes, medium shrimp, avocados, bananas, heirloom tomatoes and ears of corn. Certain food items refer to the weight while others refer to length. This week its weight is the equivalent to an average rutabaga. It gives us a good laugh to think of Baby M as these food items.