Friday, October 31, 2008

Alison's veiw

Alison's veiw
Originally uploaded by mmp52
Usually my stomach looks round from my angle, but not on this day. The baby was kind of lopsided.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Apple Picking

Apple Picking
Originally uploaded by mryalsn
J.C. and Dad picking apples. I'm going to see apples in my sleep.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I saw the top picture done somewhere and thought it looked neat so I wanted to try it. The other picture was taken on Monday. My stomach has really expanded in the last couple of weeks.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5 weeks to go!!

Alison & J.C. Parents to be
Originally uploaded by mmp52
Wow here we are last week at bootie camp. It was class at the hospital that went over what we should do once we get the baby home. It was a very fun afternoon. We all got to participate. Mom went with us and got a grandma pack for when the baby visits.

Some random things...

The baby starts moving just before J.C.'s alarm goes off.

The other day J.C. was poking and kissing my belly, shaking up the baby. Then he put he ear down on my stomach and the baby kicked him. He had this shocked look on his face and said, "the baby just kicked me." I laughed hysterically.

My bellybutton must stick out two inches. I call it my turkey timer because it reminds of the timer most Thanksgiving turkey's have to let you know when they are done.

We still haven't decided on names. But we have plenty of time, right??

Baby M gets the hiccups at least once a day. Once he/she hiccuped 4 times in one day. It's supposed to mean the baby is healthy and things are going okay so hiccup away.

We are going to donate the cord blood to the St. Louis Cord Blood Bank.